- Yearlong programs for students -
- 10 months of weekly 1 to 2-hour Social and Emotional Education workshops during school-time (Advocacy, SEL time)
- A student-driven community building and peace building project using Art along with other disciplines
- A pre-survey and analysis of the participants’ needs
- A post-survey to gauge impact
- Community resources and support that are provided during the program including a Social and Emotional Passport
- Semester-long Programs for students
- 5 months of weekly 1 to 2-hour Social and Emotional Education and Leadership and Community Development workshops during school-time (Advocacy, Elective time)
- A pre-survey and analysis of the participants’ needs
- A post-survey to gauge impact
- Community resources and support that are provided during the program including a Social and Emotional Passport
- Out-of-school programs for students -
- A 5 to 10 months of weekly 1 to 2-hour Social and Emotional Education and Leadership and Community Development workshops during school-time (Advocacy, Elective time)
- A student-driven community building and peace building project using Art along with other disciplines
- A pre-survey and analysis of the participants’ needs
- A post-survey to gauge impact
- School-wide Programs for students -
- Extensive Social and Emotional Education Professional development for all core teachers
- 10 months of weekly 1 to 2-hour Social and Emotional Education workshops implemented by all core trained teachers with the support of the Be Peace - Be Hope team
- A pre-survey and analysis of the participants’ needs
- A post-survey to gauge impact
- Community resources and support that are provided during the program including a Social and Emotional Passport
Series of workshops or summer camps for students adapted to specific needs
- Number of workshops (tbd) during school-time (Advocacy, Electivetime)
- A pre-survey and analysis of the participants’ needs
- A post-survey to gauge impact
- Community resources and support that are provided during the program
- Be the Peace-Be the Hope is a calm place for me. I liked that we got to draw to show how we were feeling. I learned that it is okay to share. Before BTPBTH I used to get in trouble but now I am calm and get in less trouble. - Elijah
- Be the Peace - Be the Hope helped me know how good our community is- Everardo
- I learned that we could work together and be patient – Justin
- The Be the Peace – Be the Hope activities helped me to be the peace and be the hope – Kimberly
- Now I can share my thoughts with others - Chibuike
- I learned to never give up – Alyson
- I was mean and I went to Be the Peace Be the Hope and I learned to change - Drake
- It taught me how to open up and be yourself – Janiya
- Working together brings me hope by thinking " oh this person isn't who I think he is- we might be good friends one day" – Rosa
- I believe more in myself after doing the Be the Peace - Be the Hope program – Thi
- I have more hope about being more open with my friends and to not look down on anybody. We are all equals – Elizabeth
- I feel more attached with my friends and family - Isaac
- I got hope to chase my dreams - Melanie
- I got to know my potential – Manuel
- It just relieves you from stress – Alexander
- They showed me that there is another way to help the world - Leonel
- "Be The Peace - Be the Hope has provided means for creative, nonthreatening healing to our young adults. Verbal techniques (with interpreters, so no one is excluded), artistic expressions, problem solving through storytelling and gentle consistent validation are BPBH's well thought out supports. The students who have attended have shown interest and respect for each other, as they realize they are part of a wonderful collaboration that empowers emotional support for all participants" - Eileen McGowan, Liberty High School
- "I am impressed with the way our new students are doing in my class. They are expressive of how they feel and show respect to their peers. Even if they speak in broken English, the little confidence they have before, exceeds my expectation in the past three weeks. What are you all doing in your program that made a difference with these children?" - Karista Williams, SGA Math Department Chair
For any additional questions or information, don’t hesitate to contact us:
Karine Parker and Cynthia Ouedraogo at bepeacebehope@gmail.com / info@bepeacebehope.org / 832-205-5531